
Online Booking of Guided Tour

Online Booking of Guided Tour

Publication Date:2016/07/05
Last updated:2020/10/15

Online Booking of Guided Tour

Application for Guided Tour Service

Notes to Application for Guided Tour Service at Taiwan Hakka Museum

“Online booking of guided group tour service” is fully implemented now:

1. Online booking

2. Booking by fax (Cancelled on 2014/12/31). Online booking has been fully implemented since 2015/1/1.


Instructions for booking a guided tour

Guided tour services provided at the Taiwan Hakka Museum, Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council (Hereinafter referred to as the Park) can be classified into two types, namely “regular fixed-point guided tour” ( Wednesday to Monday ) and “prescheduled guided group tour” ( Wednesday to Monday ). The Park will offer service depending on your booking sequence and our service capabilities.


1. Fixed-time-and-point guided tour ( Wednesday to Monday )

(1) Guided tour time:

1. Permanent exhibition halls:

2. Taiwan Pavilion and World’s Museum:

3. Cultural & Creative Exhibition Hall and 5th Special Exhibition Hall:

(2) It take approximately     minutes for every fixed-point guided tour session.

(3) Mode of participation: Please report to the fixed point    minutes before the guided tour begins.

※ Schedule for regular fixed-point guided tours are posted on the site.

Regular fixed-point Guided Tour Service will be suspended when the exhibition halls are temporarily closed.


2. Prescheduled guided group tour service will be offered depending on your booking sequence and our service capabilities.

(1) Application is open to government agencies, the academic community and the general groups, whose number of visitors must reach 20 people but must be limited to people per session.

(2) Application procedure:

1. Only online application is accepted. (Filling in the application form does not mean an approval.)

(3) Hotline for booking guided group tour service: Wednesday to Monday (and national holidays) 037-985558 ext. 732. Tuesday (exclusive of national holidays) stop service.

(4) After receiving your application, the Park will reply by email within    days whether it is approved or not. If you don’t get our reply, please call us.

(5) A group whose application has been approved please arrive at the Museum at the scheduled time on the visit date. If your group is late for  minutes or your actual number of participants is less than    people, your group tour will be canceled so as not to affect the rights of other groups.

(6) On the scheduled visit date, the group leader should report by presenting the reply email of prescheduled guided group tour to Service Desk #    located next to the outdoor overpass at the Park’s entrance. In case of rain, please report to indoor Service Desk #    .

(7) Cancellation or Change: If a group that has already booked its guided tour finds it necessary to cancel or change its visit schedule, please make sure to do so on our website. Otherwise, the Park may suspend its rights to book a guided tour for the next      months.

(8) The leader of a visiting group must ask his or her members to follow the rules and indication signs of the Park. It is strictly prohibited in the exhibition hall from committing such behaviors as making noise, running, eating, smoking, chewing betel nut, chewing gum or littering.


3. Cancellation due to natural disasters: The Park will cancel any guided tour service without prior notice if the Miaoli County Government announces to close office (in case of a natural disaster) or if any other emergency requires the Park to close temporarily.
