
Exhibition Review

5th Special Exhibition Hall (Home of Juncus effusus)

Publication Date:2018/04/29
Last updated:2020/10/15

Theme:Home of Dry Juncus effusus

Exhibition time: 29 Aplir 2018, 29 July 2018

Venue:  5th Special Exhibition Hall, Taiwan Hakka Museum

About the exhibition

    Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center of the Hakka Affairs Council cooperated with Taiwan Yuan-Li Handiwork Association to host the ‘Home of Valerian’ Exhibition of Crafts. The curatorial masterpiece is the craftmanship of Yuanli, Miaoli, which has been inherited to the present day for nearly three hundred years. Such craftsmanship is the combination of the traditional skills of Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples, the Hakkas and Hoklo Taiwanese. The exhibition presented the development of such craftsmanship, as well as various multi-media presentations that includes the development history, materials, various patterns, weed growth microfilms and on-site experience activities. It is hoped that through the exhibition, more people will understand the beauty of the craftsmanship and know-how of valerian knitting, thereby helping to preserve and cherish these invisible treasures.

    The fascination of the Hakkas also represents the epitome of the life of the agricultural society, which is something worthy of inheriting to our future generations. Through the exhibition, the diversity and future of valerian knitting craftsmanship has been presented. It is hoped that such skills can be exposed to more people, thereby promoting willingness to learn, letting bundles of valerians to continue the hope of generations after generations.

Home of Juncus effusus exhibition entranceBundles of dry Juncus effususManufacturing process of Bundles of dry Juncus effusus Introduction Decorative arts of Juncus effususJuncus effusus introductionmethod about Juncus effususFurniture made by Juncus effususHome of Juncus effusus display areaHats made by Juncus effusus

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