
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Publication Date:2016/07/04
Last updated:2020/10/15

Can I take pictures at the exhibition halls?

Yes, but no flash for photography or video. Moreover, to safeguard the privacy of other visitors, please do not take pictures of other tourists, unless you get their consent.


How to apply for permission to take pictures at the exhibition halls?

Any picture taking, video recording and/or filming for non-personal use purposes at this Museum shall apply for permission seven days before the shooting. Please download from our website the consent form to take picture, video recording and/or filming at the exhibition halls of Taiwan Hakka Museum, complete the form and fax it to 037-985991 Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center - Arts and Performances Division. Then, please call to confirm the receipt of your application form. Without permission of this Museum, any video film and/or photos taken here shall not be used for any commercial publication.


Can I bring a pet into the exhibition halls? Can a guide dog enter the exhibition halls?

To maintain the quality of your visiting experience, your health and your safety, no pets are allowed in the exhibition halls, including the cloakroom. For the visiting rights and security of the visually impaired friends, guide dogs on duty are allowed to accompany them into the exhibition halls.


Is WIFI service provided in this Museum?

Yes, free i-Taiwan WIFI service is provided in the exhibition halls of this Museum.


How can I get information about the Library Materials Center?

You can log in the website of Library Materials Center to learn of its introduction, latest news, library resources, services, downloads, frequently asked questions and so forth. (http://lib.thcdc.hakka.gov.tw/)


What are the opening hours of the Museum?

This Museum is open from 09:00 - 17:00, Wednesday to Monday. It is closed on Tuesday except when a national holiday falls on Tuesday. Welcome to visit us.


Need I pay an entrance fee to get into the Museum?

The Museum does not charge any entrance fee for the time being, but a visitor shall pay to the car park a parking fee of NT$ 50 per time for his/her passenger car.


Does the Museum provide catering service and sell souvenirs?

The Museum has set up cafes and markets to provide Hakka cuisines and local specialty products and souvenirs with Hakka flavors. There are alsoHakka Hospitality restaurants, which sell meals, snacks, drinks and afternoon tea.
