
Knowledge Archive

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2011/02/09
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:63990

The conservation and dissemination of Hakka cultural heritage have always been the core missions for CHA to extend the Hakka cultural context and revitalize Hakka tradition and culture.
In order to present Hakka culture with digital technology, to effectively conserve Hakka cultural heritage distributed across Taiwan, and to provide citizens another way to connect with Hakka culture and knowledge, the THCC Preparatory Office launched the Hakka Cultural Heritage Digital Archive Project in 2006. Under this project, a Hakka cultural heritage database was established and the digitization of the archive of important Hakka heritage was implemented in order to deliver a common, core platform for different organizations to exchange and integrate data on the archive contents of Hakka cultural heritage. Also, by building a joint catalogue for Hakka cultural heritage, citizens can search for related information from a simple portal with accesses to various Hakka museums, exhibition galleries, etc. Lastly, by effectively linking the rich resources of various Hakka archives in Taiwan, we can apply the information on Hakka culture to education, promotion and research.

Collection Database

THCDC Digital Collection System

Theme-based site

THCDC Hakka cultural assets digital network

Hakka traditional architecture image Digital Archive Network
Hakka Cultural Museum Associates


