
Main Business

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2010/05/11
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:64996

Main Business Activities

Regulation of Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council (Final version)

Article 1  To handle work division for internal units, the Hakka Culture Development Center  of Hakka Affairs Council (hereinafter referred to as the Center) formulates this Regulation.

Article 2  Director is in charge of all the business activities in the Center and direct and supervise the staff; Deputy Director assists the Director in processing business activities in the Center.

Article 3  The Center sets up the following divisions and offices:

  1. Comprehensive Planning Division
  2. Arts and Performances Division.
  3. Cultural Resources Collection Division.
  4. Public Service Division.
  5. Secretary Office.
  6. Personnel Office.
  7. Comptroller Office.

Article 4  Comprehensive Planning Division is in charge of the following matters:

  1. Overall planning, research and innovation, formulation of mid-term and long-term plan for the Center.
  2. Integration, development and promotion of regional resources for the Hakka Cultural Park (hereinafter referred to as each Park) under the jurisdiction of the Center.
  3. Promotion and development of academic, language, culture and industry for each Park and implementation of education and training for professional personnel.
  4. Planning and implementation of Hakka academic exchanges at home and abroad.
  5. Formulation of long-term business development plan for each Park and its management and performance appraisal.
  6. Information management for the Center.
  7. Other matters related to overall planning.

Article 5  Arts and Performances Division is in charge of the following matters:

  1. Planning and implementation of arts, performances, themes and special exhibitions for each Park.
  2. Management and maintenance of exhibition facilities for each Park.
  3. Planning and implementation of Hakka cultural drama, songs, and arts promotion activities for each Park.
  4. Other matters related to arts and performances.

Article 6  Cultural Resources Collection Division is in charge of the following matters:

  1. Planning and formulation of collection programs and processes for each Park.
  2. Investigation, collection, price estimation, preservation, management, maintenance, and value-added use of collection items for each Park.
  3. Collection, preservation, management, maintenance, and value-added use of books and materials for each Park.
  4. Digitalization and value-added use of cultural-resource collection items.
  5. Promotion and implementation of language and cultural education and application programs for each Park.
  6. Other matters related to cultural resources collection.

Article 7  Public Service Division is in charge of the following matters:

  1. Planning and implementation of exchange programs with social education institutions; development of community relations among Hakka villages.
  2. Planning and implementation of ticketing, tour guiding and tourist services.
  3. Planning and implementation of ecological education.
  4. Education and training for volunteers, professionals and tour guides.
  5. Management of outsourcing services and facilities for each Park.
  6. Other matters related to public service

Article 8  Secretary Office is in charge of the following matters:

  1. Legal affairs, keeping of official seals and documents, and management of archives.
  2. General affairs, cashier, custody, security, mechanical and electrical systems, construction and repair, procurement and management of other affairs.
  3. Management of workers (including the drivers) and non-employees.
  4. Handling of public-relation and marketing activities and outsourcing cases for each Park
  5. Matters not related to other divisions and offices.

Article 9  Personnel Office is in charge of personnel-related affairs for the Center.

Article 10 Comptroller Office is in charge of budgeting, accounting and statistics for the Center.

Article 11 A decentralized system is implemented in the Center. Staff shall handle business activities in accordance with the decentralized responsibility chart.

Article 12 Implementation of the Regulation starts from January 15, 2016.

Park Flyover

