
A thousand people participated in charity work during Chinese New Year in Liudui. Sending love to Qingshan.

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2017/03/09
  • Last updated:2020/10/23
  • Count Views:835
A thousand people participated in charity work during Chinese New Year in Liudui. Sending love to Qingshan. 展示圖 f1489031167733.jpg

A thousand people participated in charity work during Chinese New Year in Liudui. Sending love to Qingshan.
    Liudui Park of Hakka Cultural Development Center organized different cultural activities in Chinese New Year. All of them were supported and approved by the public. These activities not only presented the culture of Hakka, but also brought the joy and warmth of Chinese New Year to those who were in need in the society. Liudui Park therefore organized different charity sales. Although the donation was not a huge number, but the warmth of the visitors and their good wishes were touching.


    Qingshan Youngster Home in Gaoshu Township of Pingtung County is located at the right side of Liudui. The donation of this activity was sent to this institute. Qingshan Youngster Home was founded in 2005. It is currently taking care of 22 students in need, including senior high school students to kindergarten pupils. Under the care of all workers, these youngsters receive the appropriate education and are growing strong.


    The donation in this charity activity may not provide too many things to these youngsters. But every single coin represented the best wishes of the people who participated in the charity sales.
There is not much that we can do. However, as long as we deliver, there is an outcome, and the outcome is that these youngsters can grow up under the support of some good-heart people in the future. They will eventually become strong persons in this society, and they will keep spreading this positive influence to other people.



