
The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju “The exploration of magical bamboo curtain” Everyone is welcome to join us for the adventure.

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2016/08/31
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:1194
The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju “The exploration of magical bamboo curtain” Everyone is welcome to join us for the adventure. 展示圖 f1472615532859.jpg

The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju “The exploration of magical bamboo curtain”

If you want to make a grand finale for the summer holiday, don’t forget to visit the Miaoli Hakka Cultural Park!!

  Start from March of this year, Miaoli Hakka Cultural Park started to organize tour package. Today (8/25), children from Taichung Private Hui Ming Kindergarten had made their appointment from the middle of July. Miaoli Hakka Cultural Park arranged a special tour of “The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju” and showed them an important daily used artifact in Liudui and the south Hakka village: Bamboo curtain.

  The tour guide kindly showed them the documentary cartoon movie “The greatest treasure of granny” that introduces the manufacture of bamboo curtain. The movie elaborated the procedures of making bamboo curtain, from selecting bamboo, skinning, cutting, weaving to painting. Children may understand the excellent traditional Hakka craftsmanship. The bamboo curtain demonstration also let them understand the outstanding transparency and privacy of it (people from the outside cannot see through bamboo curtains, but people from the inside can look outward).

Then, following the lead of A-Ji-Ju, Children webt into the virtual reality story scene. Through Po-po Cave, Liang-liang Cave, children found the old man of tree who rarely knew how to make a bamboo curtain. They also sneaked pass an evil dragon to acquire the material of it. After the guide, children took photos with A-Ji-Ju and the evil dragon. They had a wonderful experience of visiting the park.

Caption: In the 25th of August, Miaoli Park “The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju”. Children from Taichung took photos with the evil dragon after they listened to the story “The greatest treasure of granny”.

Caption: The tour guide kindly introduced children the “The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju”. It connected the story of picture book and the exhibition, and let children understand the charm of the picture book story house.

Caption: Bamboo curtain manufacture documentary movie were being shown in “The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju” Exhibition. The movie showed children the craftsmanship of making bamboo curtains and the persistence of craftsman.

Caption: Through the explanation of the guide from Miaoli Park, children understood the function of bamboo curtains, the important daily used artifact in Liudui and south Hakka.

Caption: Along with the process of the story, children were making postures in front of a distorting mirror.

Caption: Along with the process of the story, children were making postures in front of a distorting mirror.

    Miaoli Hakka Cultural Park sincerely designed the learning sheet of “The magical trip of A-Ji-Ju”. We let children to learn from playing. Children may follow the lead in the sheet and learn about the traditional Hakka craftsmanship. We intend to pass on the Hakka culture to the young generation. Whoever finish the learning sheet can receive a limited souvenir at the service desk. Everyone is welcomed to join us for the adventure.

