
Free training course for Hakka-language storytellers starts to accept registration. Sign up now.

  • Source:客家文化發展中心
  • Publication Date:2016/08/31
  • Last updated:2020/10/15
  • Count Views:40

Free training course for Hakka-language storytellers starts to accept registration. Sign up now.

         To train Hakka seed teachers and storytellers and promote Digital Exploration Park Website, the Hakka Cultural Development Center of Hakka Affairs Council is about to hold 5 echelons of training courses for Hakka-language storytellers in Hualien, Taipei, Miaoli, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung, respectively. Famous Hakka linguists, such as Papa Zhang of Story House, the Open Theater Group, the Bean Theater Group, the Sinshan Community Association, and Miss Liu Hui-ching (winner of Hakka popular song singing contest in the 2016 Hakka Pop Festival) will be invited to teach. Free online registration starts today. Everyone is welcome to sign up now.

           Set up by the Hakka Cultural Development Center in 2015, the Hakka Digital Exploration Park Website intends to promote Hakka culture by digital learning and interactive animation programs.

           It is the first time that the Digital Exploration Park Website pushes out training courses for Hakka-language storytellers.It is hoped that the courses can help improve the students’ story-telling skills and familiarize them with the operations of Hakka Digital Exploration Park Website.


Time and locations for the training courses are listed as follows:

1st echelon: Hualien, May 22 (Sun), Hualien County Hakka Cultural Hall

2nd echelon: Miaoli, May 28 (Sat), Miaoli Hakka Cultural Park

3rd echelon: Taipei, June 5 (Sun), Taipei City Hakka Culture Theme Park

4th echelon: Pingtung, June 11 (Sat), Liudui Hakka Cultural Park

5th echelon: Kaohsiung, June 12 (Sun), Kaohsiung City New Hakka Cultural Park

Those who are interested please download the brochure and registration form from the website of Hakka Cultural Development Center (http://thcdc.hakka.gov.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=9201&ctNode=639&mp=19). Only 50 persons will be accepted in each echelon. You may also contact Ms. Bau of Mabau Multimedia Workshop at Tel: 04-23208655.
